TEL. 604.987.3168
3111 Stanley Avenue
North Vancouver BC, V7N 4N6
Established 1981
Higher Standards for Early Childhood Education

Visit to Bowen Island

Field Trip to Deep Cove

Visit to Bowen Island
Out Of School Care
Thank you for considering LITTLE RASCALS for the crucial role of providing Childcare and Early Childhood Education for your child.
2021 marks our 40th anniversary of providing enriched quality care for families – 40 years of bringing peace of mind to Moms and Dads and smiles to the faces of children, from young toddlers to school aged children alike.
In today’s Canada, Daycare has become a necessity for most families. At LITTLE RASCALS, our approach is to provide a reassuring alternative to standard Daycare that parents can feel good about when they are unable to be with their children. We do this by taking the concept of “baby-sitting” out of Daycare and creating an enriched playful environment that is nurturing, educational, socially developmental.